Metal Slug is an arcade game franchise originating from Japan by Nazca before joining SNK in 1996. Initially, Metal Slug was created for the Neo-Geo (MVS) and Neo-Geo (AES) consoles. Later, the game was developed for various other game consoles such as PlayStation, Xbox, PC, etc. The Metal Slug series gained popularity for its simple gameplay, fast pace, and humorous elements. Now, Metal Slug has also made its way to mobile platform with outstandingly enhanced graphics.

  • Eske

    I never do bad things unless someone pays me a lot of money.

    The son of Caroline, an archaeologist (Vitins culture), polar explorer, president of the Ice Pole Alliance, he is also the elder brother of Freyja. He was separated from his family due to a polar storm when he was young and was adopted by the Ice Pole Hunter Radel. As an adult, Eske embarked on a journey to find his mother and sister. By chance, he became a mercenary. For safety reasons, he hid his identity. Eske used his weapon's name Javelin as a code name. During the journey, he worked with the Alloy Squad to activate the ice source and defeated the conspiracy of Morden and Concerian. In the end, Eske assisted his sister, Freyja to expand the Ice Pole Alliance into a global Guardian Alliance and helped her become the world-renowned president of the Guardian Alliance.

  • Marco Polo

    "The world is so big, I want to experience it.

    With exquisite skill and graceful footwork, this traveler from distant lands is a born ranger. Marco Polo loves traveling and challenges, and is accustomed to life battles, turning his enemies into sieves. No one has ever known where he came from and where he is going. Few dare to challenge Marco Polo's dual pistols, which are as fast as lightning, quick and precise. When you attack him, his steps always avoid your fatal attack, and shoot through your body with magic bullets before you can react."

  • Freyja

    "Join Freyja to defeat those wicked villains! "

    The daughter of Caroline, an archaeologist (Vitins Culture), polar explorer, president of the Ice Pole Alliance, one of the owners of the Solute Necklace.

    Immersed in the depths of love of her mother, Freyja grew up to be a girl full of vitality, lively and cute, strong and brave, and full of justice. She worked with everyone to prevent the outbreak of the Ice Source Danger and protect the precious Vitins ruins as well as the Ice Pole Continent.

    Later, she slowly grew from a simple and lovely little girl to the last guardian of the Viking ruins and the president of the Guardian Alliance, and she has been fighting for the earth and mankind all her life."

  • Ilum

    The first genius that has mastered the entire Code of Armer in over a millennium is just a sixteen-year-old boy. The distinguished Chief Magistrate of the High Court is actually an illegitimate child without family recognition. The only light in his gloomy life, his closest kin, who had guided him along the path of discernment, had lost his life because of the great lie of the Project Divine Revelation.

    Ilum was disgusted with the old, foolish, and ridiculous kingdom of Armer. On the day of the celebration, in the corner of the palace where the light of glory does not shine, the seed of destruction is planted in the heart of the young man, who wants to stop the construction of the Tower of Ascendancy at all costs and crush the dream of revival of the Armerian.

    From the youngest student at the law school to a magistrate as an exceptive admission, the genius knows all too well how to reap the rewards of fame, prestige, and favor. But compared to the knowledgeable magistrate, Earl Ilum, who specializes in ball mask design, is more popular. After all, masks are the most fashionable item for aristocratic socializing.

    But one of the most perfect masks of all was his smile. The eyes hidden behind the smile coldly watch the decaying Armer splinter and fall.

  • Dong Huanlong

    Dong Huanlong is the latest descendant of the Dragon Tamer clan on the land of Huaxia, with the spirit of the last dragon of the Huaxia continent sealed within her body.

    Raised in solitude as an ordinary person, she later became the esteemed heir to the Dragon Tamer legacy, attracting many who sought her favor. These experiences bred in her a deep contempt for humanity, hiding a cold heart beneath her fiery exterior. She ruthlessly dealt with anyone who crossed her or threatened her interests, driven not by grand ideals but by a singular mission: to extend the life of her sole friend, Feili the Dragon. Despite her vast wealth and stunning beauty, which made her the object of many desires, Dong Huanlong disdained the notion of love, choosing to play the world at her whim, free and unbound.

  • Lilith

    Lilith is not her real name, and her girlish appearance doesn't represent her true age either. When she was expelled from the world's most famous scientific research institution for secretly conducting human experiments that were far too radical, she chose to adopt the name of this god-defying witch for her future endeavors in this world.

    As her advanced scientific research is destined to never be understood by normal people, Lilith does not pursue a worldly reputation or status, and nor does she want to be bound by academic ethics. To gain access to the high-end equipment provided by Blackfire and a large number of wounded patients, Lilith joined this mercenary group as a special consultant.

  • JOE

    When Joe was still called Joseph, he was the most elite agent in the Security Investigation Agency. However, to the top brass, he was nothing but a tool that could be sacrificed at any time.

    He chose to erase his name and past when he was sacrificed, becoming a listless mercenary called Joe who does nothing all day.

    But the naive and inappropriate faith of that white-haired commander whom Joe once looked down upon ignited the fire in his heart once more...


    Alessio, once a nobody from the outer city of Navenia, unexpectedly accepted a mission from the legendary "Captain Red Hawk" in a moment of crisis. Donning a mask, he became a hero. But when his secret identity was revealed, he grappled with questions about his true self...

    Now, having taken off the mask, he roams the outskirts with his cannon, a laid-back and free-spirited protector, using his custom-made cannon shells to keep the peace. Anyone in a bind can reach out to him for help, and he'll definitely have their back, even if it means going head-to-head with the city's builder.

  • KYO

    Kyo, the newcomer to the Mercenaries, is the successor to the famous Kusanagi family and the ancient Kusanagi style. To everyone's surprise, he is also good at hot weapons.

    Kyo Kusanagi, who became widely known as a teenager, has an arrogant and unruly character. He is always confident before enemies and likes to taunt them. But only those close to him will know that he is a poet and sometimes a bit shy.

  • SAYA

    Abandoned in the desolate town of Far Harbor, Saya grew up without anyone. She fought her way out of the wastelands, earning the title "Wasteland Megalodon," but she despises bullies and those who prey on the weak.

    Saya always dreamt of leaving Far Harbor, but upon departing, she realized there was no place for someone like her elsewhere. She absconded with vast riches from her former bandit crew; now, Far Harbor, meet your boss!


    Kukik is a son of the wilderness. 15 years ago, an elderly hunter Grylls ran into him in the woods. Skinny and awkward, unable to say a word, he barred the old hunter's way with a wooden stick. Grylls laughed, "What a wild kid! You'll be with me from now on!

    15 years later, Kukik left the forest with his Falcon and Hound, learned and skilled, stepping into the civilized society for the very first time. This is the start of his own adventure.


    Violet was born in a small border town of the Free Federation. She wandered around the streets in her early days of dependence until she found her place in the army, where she showed extraordinary ability and joined the Demon Hunters with the highest honor.

    However, her pursuit for justice ended her service in the legion, and she has since led an unrestrained life as a ranger and free mercenary. But once the war horn sounds, Violet will answer the call again, for her heart has never given up!


    After graduating from high school, Marco Rossi went to a military school and then joined the P.F. Squad of the Regular Army. He quickly distinguished himself as the leader of the force, which was known for its rigorous training.

    Games and programming are what he likes in his rare spare time. This computer genius once coded a virus as a joke, which mistakenly attacked the army's central system (of course, he'll never admit it).

  • ERI

    Abandoned by her parents shortly after birth, Eri grew up in an orphanage. When she was 12, she left the orphanage behind, determined to "see the outside world." With her tomboyish attitude, complete self-reliance, and an unbelievable talent for combat, Eri soon wreaked untold havoc onto battlefields after battlefields.

    Eri's talent in blitz-style attacks and powerful explosives is unparalleled, and her combat prowess terrifies the Morden army. Her hurricane-like fighting style earned her the nickname, Memphis Bomb Princess.


    Tarma Roving's father was a decorated soldier, and after Tarma graduated from high school, he immediately sent Tarma to military school for further studies. His outstanding performance during a rescue operation earned him the praise of high-ranking officers, thereby securing him a spot in the Regular Army's special forces. At that time, he was only 20 years old.

    Though he had exhibited incredible talent in combat, Tarma has no interest in wars. He is passionate about assembling motorcycles, and as he's a pretty skilled mechanic, he dreams about running a motorcycle shop after retiring from the army. Unfortunately, his application for retirement was always rejected, and thus he had to continue fighting in the battlefield.

  • FIO

    Fio Germi is the only daughter of the Germi family, which has had members holding high positions in the military for generations. Fio's father always wanted a son to follow in his footsteps, and yet his only offspring is his daughter. Thus, in order to preserve the Germi family's tradition and honor, the sweet and pampered Fio, who loved cooking and sewing, was forced by her father to join the army, becoming the first female soldier in the family.

    To defend the family's reputation, Fio's father transferred Fio to S.P.A.R.R.O.W.S, the intelligence department in the military, where Fio participated in many crucial missions during the first war against Morden.

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ATK Power
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ATK Power
DPS Multiplier
Metal Slug

"SV-001" main battle tank.

Codenamed "Metal Slug," these cutting-edge tanks are widely used by both the Regular Army and the rebels. Equipped with a high damage main cannon and a machine gun with an ultra-high RoF, they are unmatched on the battlefield!

Drill Slug

Unstoppable drilling machine.

Built with high tensile metals, this ground-digging machine is not to be trifled with. With a guttural roar, its huge drill pierces through anything in its way! A true unstoppable rampaging beast!

Heavy Mecha

Mecha armor with huge industrial pincers.

Mecha Armor that was retrofitted into a weapon of war by a retired Mecha Marine. Equipped with a pair of huge and heavy industrial pincers, it excels at both carrying goods and pulverizing anything that doesn't strike your fancy! An incredibly powerful vehicle.

Sonic Alpaca

Calm down and sit back, coz it might give you a heart attack.

This sunglasses-sporting Alpaca comes with sonic bombs that knock enemies out and an HMG that decimates them.

Metal Express

Jump into this modified sports car and storm through the enemy.

The Regular Army equipped the civilian automobile TIAF 660 with an HMG and a missile launcher, turning it into a combat vehicle. With a modified NOS, it can perform sharp drifts during high-speed chases, making any escape attempts a snowball's chance in hell.


The legendary Battle Camel.

This docile camel is actually equipped with an HMG that can quickly launch ranged attacks across the whole screen!