Guide Kukik Lineup


Kukik Lineup

As a Spec-Ops Character, Kukik possesses an exceptionally powerful passive ability. Once included in a team, he directly enhances the entire team's Debuff DMG Bonus. After activating his talents, regardless of any debuff status applied by Kukik, it simultaneously boosts the team's Debuff DMG Bonus.

Furthermore, when Kukik is added to the team, his companion Tactical Falcon will accompany the Characters on the field, launching auto-attacks. After other Characters in the team release their skills multiple times or use their ultimate skills, it triggers the Tactical Falcon's brute strike.

Kukik's ultimate skill, Gale Plume, not only inflicts massive damage but also marks the targeted units with a Tearing Mark. Whenever team members attack units carrying this mark, their damage significantly increases.

Given Kukik's potent abilities in enhancing Debuff DMG Bonus, he pairs perfectly with the Firepower Character, Trevor.

Trevor mainly relies on his Slashing Kick and the Combo Shotgun's IGNITE effect to deal high damage. Both the 1st and the 2nd phases of Slashing Kick contribute to the accumulation of skill activations, triggering the Tactical Falcon's brute strike. With the DMG Bonus from Kukik's ultimate skill, Trevor's skill DMG also sees a marked enhancement.

With Trevor identified as the main DPS Character of the team, the third Character can be chosen based on Trevor's specialty.

Considering that CRIT Rate is also an effective way to boost Trevor's skill damage, Haran makes a suitable third Character.

Once Haran uses his Freeze Gun to apply the FREEZE status, the entire team benefits from a CRIT Rate boost. Utilizing his skill 1, Hammering Ice Cone, Haran not only deals damage but also provides a Close-Range DMG Bonus. Furthermore, his passive enhances the team's FREEZE DMG Bonus.

Upon activating Talent 3, Haran can also grant skill DMG bonuses to allies within range, further enhancing Trevor and the Combo Shotgun's combination, leading to another surge in damage!

With Trevor as the main DPS, Kukik offering Vulnerable status, and Haran boosting CRIT Rate and skill DMG bonuses, the Trevor Vulnerable Lineup is now fully assembled.