Guide Metal Slug Guide丨Everyone Wants Higher Firepower! Check Out How to Clear The Maze for Amazing Vehicles!

Vehicles with high firepower can be a big leg up for you on your adventures.
I bet you have already checked out the power of the brand-new SV-Camel.
Have you ever wondered about how to obtain other vehicles?

Well, in addition to the 7-Day Check-in event that gives rookies the SV-001 for free, you can obtain vehicles through The Maze!
I have worked out a strategy to quickly beat The Maze and get vehicles. Alright, let's get started!

As one of the most important ways to obtain free vehicles, The Maze is rather special in terms of game mechanics. In this mode, Characters will lose HP over time due to environmental effects on the map but also gain ATS/MSPD buffs and Medkits based on their efficiency in defeating enemies. In other words, the lineup and precise controls are the key to beating the challenge.

As for the lineup, I recommend Firepower Characters and two Spec-Ops Characters. For example, our trusty leader Marco, whose skills come with high RoF bonus, is a perfect fit for the ATS buff in The Maze.

Remember Nadia? The Character we get on the second day of check-in? As the only Spec-Ops & Healer Character we have, Nadia can restore HP through all her skills, which also makes her a perfect candidate for The Maze.

Then, we can select a Support Character based on Marco and Nadia's traits. For example, Fio would be a nice choice since she can offer ATS bonuses. Everyone can have these three Characters, so there shouldn't be any problem putting them into a team.

As for weapon selection, we should consider how to maximize the DPS of the Firepower Character. For example, we can choose the HMG with high RoF for Marco. And based on the WEAK Debuff tag of the HMG, we can let Fio have the Bazooka with the WOUND Debuff tag to increase Marco's DPS. Nadia is relatively flexible, so we can either give her a Flamethrower to further boost up the team's DPS or use a Freeze Gun to slow down enemies.

Now that we've got our team ready, it's time to start the game!

After entering the game, we'll find ourselves in a high-temperature environment and will lose HP over time even when standing still. So just go ahead and fire bullets to your heart's content.

During the process, various enemies will appear on the ground and the platforms to attack us from all sides. Therefore, we need to move quickly to avoid getting into a tight spot. When our HP drops below 50%, we can switch to Nadia and use her skills to restore HP. Meanwhile, we can eliminate the elite enemies with a Medkit logo above their heads to get Medkits and use them to restore HP to all team members.

Attention! Here comes the key point!

Make sure you eliminate these elite enemies first during the challenge, and then immediately use the Medkit you have and pick up the ones they dropped. This way you can keep your team's HP at a healthy level. After all, you may get lost in the excitement of the gunslinging frenzy and completely forget about the Medkit, which could take down your Characters and slow your pace as a result.

I know some Commanders might say, "But Rumi, the elite enemies are hard to beat."

Well, this is where my second tip will help! The elite enemies in The Maze are hard to defeat indeed. But there is still a way to soften them up—pay attention to the energy gauge in the top left corner!

As we get buffs along the way to increase our ATS and MSPD, we'll accumulate energy. When the energy gauge is full, we'll enter the Rampage Moment, which temporarily boosts MSPD and ATS by a great amount and ignores ammo cost. Therefore, you can accumulate energy by firing at minions, and then shoot the elite enemies immediately after entering the Rampage Moment. This time you'll find the elite enemies very easy to defeat!

Here, I have to remind you one more thing! The Medkits restore HP to all team members, but sometimes we won't encounter any elite enemies in a while. Thus, make sure you switch among Characters frequently to share the environmental damage among them. This way you can maximize the effect of the Medkit.

With the tips above in mind, I believe you can meet the final Boss at the end of the stage very soon!

In the Boss fight, there won't be any elite enemies with HP packs, because the Boss will drop them based on the HP they lost. Therefore, it's important that you keep attacking. Switch between Characters aptly and use their skills frequently then summon your Vehicle to deal devastating damage within a short period of time. With this sequence of attacks, you’re sure to beat any boss easily.

Here's a bonus tip for you: After entering the Vehicle, the Characters will stop losing HP, so remember to summon your vehicle to boost up your DPS when fighting the Boss, which can also help your team survive longer as well.

After the Boss is defeated, it's the exciting chest-opening time! Here you can use the keys dropped by the elite enemies and the Boss you defeated. Don't hesitate. Metal Express and Drill Slug are right ahead! Go!

That's all for this issue about The Maze.
Want tips on other modes?
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I will look into them as soon as possible.
See you next time!